Spring Math Worksheets includes three practice worksheets.
This spring themed packet is a great resource to help your students to review their math skills in spring.
Place value is a math concept that is revisited each school year.A strong foundation understanding of place value holds the keys to later success in math.
This free packet include two worksheets for your students to practice place value and expanded notation to tens and ones.
This resource contains 4 worksheets and it is perfect for the students in fifth grade and also you can use this for reinforcing your students in 6th grade.
Table of Contents:
• Comparing Fractions
• Fractions Addition
• Fractions Subtraction
• Improper fractions to mixed numbers
Two-digit Subtraction: QR CODE Task Cards contains 32 task cards.Each task card has a subtraction problem, and students can solve these problems using two answer sheets and then scan the QR code to check their answer.
This product is appropriate for reviewing and reinforcing two-digit subtraction.
Two-digit Addition: QR CODE Task Cards contains 32 task cards.Each task card has an addition problem, and students can solve these problems using two answer sheets and then scan the QR code to check their answer.
This product is appropriate for reviewing and reinforcing two-digit addition with regrouping and without regrouping.
Three-digit Addition: QR CODE Task Cards contains 32 task cards.Each task card has an addition problem, and students can solve these problems using two answer sheets and then scan the QR code to check their answer.
This product is appropriate for reviewing and reinforcing 3-digit addition with regrouping and without regrouping.
Three-digit Subtraction: QR CODE Task Cards contains 32 task cards.Each task card has a subtraction problem, and students can solve these problems using two answer sheets and then scan the QR code to check their answer.
This product is appropriate for reviewing and reinforcing 3-digit subtraction.
Fractions For Third Grade includes 21 printable worksheets that cover every third Grade Math skills in fractions.
This resource includes:
1.Shade the objects according to the fractions.
2.Write the fraction in each box.
3.Divide each shape into equal parts.
4.Write the fraction for the shaded part of each circle. Shade each rectangle to show the fraction.
5.Color the circle based on the key at the bottom of the circle and then fill in the missing places.
6.Cut out the fractions at the bottom of the page. Paste them in the correct places.
7.Fill in the missing places. Divide each figure into equal parts. Shade the figure with the indicated fraction.
8.What fraction of each figure is shaded?
9.Write the fraction of the shape that is shaded on the left. Write the fraction of the shape that is not shaded on the right.
10.Represent each fraction on the number line.
11.Write the fraction of the shaded area in the right circle. Represent the fraction on the number line.
12.What fraction does the pirate flag show on the line?
13.Write the fraction for the shaded part of each figure. Connect the figures that show equivalent fractions.
14.Write the equivalent fractions in each row. Use models.
15.Shade the fractions.
16.Complete each number sentence to find equivalent fractions. Use models.
17.Write two equivalent fractions for each model.
18.Represent each fraction on the number line.Answer the questions. Write < = > for each pair of fractions.
19.Circle the correct letter that would make the fraction comparison true.
20.Write the fraction for the shaded part of each figure. Write < => for each pair of fractions.
21.Write >, < or = for each pair of fractions
40 task cards help you teach conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Students can practice changing mixed numbers to improper fractions with these task cards.Each card has a mixed number, and the students convert this mixed number into the improper fraction and then save their answers in the answer sheets. Answer key also included!
Multiplication cards help your students practice and master their multiplication facts 1-12.Print these multiplication cards on card stock, cut them out, and laminate for durability.
I print them on card stock and cut them out to use with my son in 4th grade class.
Thanks so much,
Christmas Math Worksheets would be a great packet for reviewing math skills for first grade.This Christmas themed product contains 22 printable worksheets and you can print this packet and send it home as winter break homework!
This resource includes:
1. Word Problem I
2. Word Problem II
3. Roll 2 dice, add them up, color all the ornaments, and then color the picture.
4. Roll 3 dice, add them up and color the picture.
5. How many more you need to make 10.
6. Circle the group of ten, and then complete the equation.
7. Make a number bond.
8. Use the 3 numbers to write 4 different facts.
9. Cut and glue the gifts in the correct places
10. Counting by 10.
11. Count backward.
12. Help Santa to collect the presents.
13. Write the missing number in each box.
14. Write the tens and ones, draw tally marks and complete the sentences.
15. Write an addition sentence for each set of models.
16. Addition and Subtraction
17. Double-Digit Addition.
18. Double-Digit Subtraction.
19. Write the number words.
20. Draw hands on each clock.
21. Cut out the star ruler and measure the Christmas trees.
22. Geometry
Thanks so much,
ALL ABOUT Numbers 21-40 + Assessment is designed to cover all topics in numbers 21-40.This packet includes 20 practice worksheets,3 assessment worksheets and answer key.Each practice worksheet contains 12 activities , and assessment worksheets include 14 activities that you can evaluate if your students have understood what you have taught.
Practice Worksheet activities
*Read the number
*Trace the number
*Draw circles to represent the number.(Ten frame)
*Trace number word.
*One less,One more
*Even or Odd.
*Ten less,Ten more
*Draw tally marks.
*Before and after.
*Place value.
*Write expanded form.
*Draw objects.
*Color the number
100th Day Of School Math & Literacy Activities
Perfect for celebrating the 100th day of school.
This packet includes 10 charts and their answer keys. Your students will practice their math and literacy skills using color by code.
This resource contains:
*Odd or even numbers
*Part of speech
*Count by 1
*Count by 5
*Count by 100
*Word families(--own,--ug,--ad ,--ap,--ock,--at,--all,--ice,--aw,--eel)
*The Blend “bl”.
*Two-digit addition with regrouping
*True or false
Thanks so much!
Math Assessment First Grade includes 22 assessment worksheets that cover every First Grade Math subjects in first grade.
⭐Answer key is included!!
Thanks so much,
Common Core Spring Math Review includes 35 pages that meet common core standards for first grade. This spring themed packet is a great resource to help your students to review their math skills in beautiful spring.
This packet includes the following printables:
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
1. Use addition & subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.1.OA.A.1,1.OA.A.2-Page(3-8)
2. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. 1.OA.A. Page(3-9)
3. Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. 1.OA.4- Page(10-13)
4. Relate counting to addition and subtraction.1.OA.5- Page(14)
5. Add and subtract within 20.1.OA.6- Page(15)
6. Understand the meaning of the equal sign.1.OA.A.7- Page(16)
Number & Operations in Base Ten
1. Count to 120.1.NBT.1- Page(17)
2. Understand the place value.1.NBT.2- Page(18-21)
3. Compare two two-digit numbers.1.NBT.3- Page(22)
4. Add and subtract within 100.1.NBT.C4- Page(23-24)
5. 10 more or 10 less.1.NBT.C5- Page(25)
6. Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90.1.NBT.6- Page(26)
Measurement & Data
1. Measurement.1.MD.1, 1.MD.2- Page(27)
2. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours.1.MD.3- Page(28-29)
3. Graph.1.MD.4- Page(30)
1. Distinguish between defining attributes.1.G.1- Page(31-32)
2. Build and draw shapes.1.G.2- Page(33)
3. Partition circles and rectangles.1.G.3- Page(34)
Thanks so much,
40 task cards help you teach conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Students can practice changing improper fractions to mixed numbers with these task cards.Each card has an improper fraction, and the students convert this fraction into the mixed number and then save their answers in the answer sheets.
Answer key also included!
End Of Year Math Review would be a great packet for reviewing math skills at the beginning and end of the year .
This resource includes:
**Write the number words in each box.
**Counting by 10.
**Counting by 5.
**Flip Flop Addition and Subtraction.
**Roll 2 dice ,Add them up and color the picture.
**Double-digit Addition.(without regrouping)
**Double-digit Subtraction.(without regrouping)
**Roll 3 dice, add them up and color.
**Solve each word problem using number-line.(2 pages)
**Draw the hands on each clock.
**Compare the numbers.
**Make ten.
**Place value.
**Write the missing number in the sequence
**Make a number bond.
**Geometry.(2 pages)
Thank you,
Clock Clip art contains 23 high quality 300 dpi PNG: 15 are full color and 8 are black and white line drawings, great for mass printing and coloring in pages!
You can also find all images in the thumbnail image.
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